Nonviolent Followers of Jesus Curriculum

Required Biography Resource Materials Early Christians
Biography Materials Constantinian Christianity

Required Biography Resource Materials

List of Documents


I Foundational Story VIII Material Making Complete
II Bibliography Covers for Booklets
III Agape Curriculum Reference
VII Material Making Bios Only*    

Black Line Pictures & Maps

Black Line 4 per Page with Label    
Black Line 8 per Page    
Black Line Full Size    
Black Line Maps Continents and USA    

Calendars and Charts

Calendar One Page for Set One Thumbnail Color Chrono
Black and White Thumbnail Alpha Calendar Two Pages for Set One*
NVFJ Around the World Thumbnail Color Alpha*

Material Making Pages

Full Set Bookmarks for Younger Children    
Person-Object and Box Organization List    
Printable Page Color    
Printable Page Special Papers    

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Biography Materials

List of Documents

Primary Materials*

Control Booklet Cover Sentences and Names
Control Booklet  
Label Cards  
Object Word List  

Elementary Content

Colored Pictures*  
Label Cards  
Object and Short Bio Cards  
Photo Bio Booklets  

Yellow Folder Photos

Note for Photo of Fr. George Zabelka  
Photo 50th Anniversary  
Photo Fr. Zabelka, Fr. McCarthy
and Professor Zahn

Scripture and NVFJ Quotes

Quote Cards Mark Quotes
Chart of Scripture Passages Matthew Quotes
John Quotes  
Luke Quotes  

Individual Timelines

Emmy and Eberhard Arnold  
Cesar Chavez  
Dorothy Day  

Support Cards

Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy  
Way of Light and Dark Cards  

Lines of Transmission

Clarence Jordan  
Measurements, Printable Names, etc  
Muriel Lester  
Professor McSorley  


A Booklet Glossary Photo and C Sets Listed
B Moveable Definition  
B Red Answer Word  
C All Parts Moveable  

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Early Christians

List of Documents

Core Content

Text Cards Martyr Booklet
Works of Mercy Timeline Phrases
Early Christian Beliefs, etc  
Apostolic Tradition  

Material Making

3D Objects  
Scripture Plaques  
Organizational Lists Boxes Contents  

Martyrs-Charts and Notes

Calendar Feast Days  

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Constantinian Christianity

List of Documents

Core Content

Impression Black Fabric Labels Religious Justification Pictures
Events in Isolation Denomination, Relational Reality
Christians Three Divisions Dates Tragic Shift
Dialogue Balloons  

Works of War and Mercy

Complete Set of Pictures  

Support Materials

Pledge of Allegiance  
Supporting Pictures and Text  
Impression Command Cards  

Material Making

B & W Maps, etc Notes
Color Agnus Dei etc Essential Sources
Organizaional Lists Boxes Contents  
Plaque Labels  

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List of Documents

First Level

Down with Darkness My Candle
Into My Heart Never Turn Back
I've a Little Joy No! No! We Have Done
Lord, I Want to be  

Second Level

All Creatures Racing Down the Streets
Bring us Peace There's a Voice
Come, O Wind Vine and Fig Tree
Leave It in the Hands